Editorial |
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| Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos |
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Articles |
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| · Psychometric study of the Computerized Test of Primary Emotions Perception Miguel, Fabiano Koich; Primi, Ricardo
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| · Risk behaviors to eating disorders in athletes: association with various characteristics Fortes, Leonardo de Sousa; Ferreira, Maria Elisa Caputo
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| · Psychometric properties of instruments for the assessment of father’s involvement: literature review Gomes, Lauren Beltrão; Bossardi, Carina Nunes; Cruz, Roberto Morais; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida; Vieira, Mauro Luís
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| · Baptista Depression Scale (EBADEP-A): evidence for validity with the Big Five Bighetti, Cássia Aparecida; Alves, Gisele Aparecida da Silva; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
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| · Premorbid intelligence measures in identifying cognitive decline Alves, Lara; Simões, Mário R; Martins, Cristina
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| · Reliability of the Brazilian version of the system SOCIII for the analysis of mother-child interaction Alvarenga, Patrícia; Cerezo, Maria Ángeles
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| · Adaptation of the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale: Evidences of validity Scarpati, Arielle Sagrillo; Guerra, Valeschka Martins; Duarte, Camila Nogueira Bonfim
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| · Assessment of decision making by using questionnaires: systematic review of the literature Branco, Laura Damiani; Cotrena, Charles; Cardoso, Caroline Oliveira; Fonseca, Rochele Paz
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| · School, family and personal characteristics: a comparative study between gifted and gifted underachievers Tentes, Vanessa Terezinha Alves; Fleith, Denise de Souza
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| · Personality and overall self-assessment as student: some indicators through a multimonial model Carvalho, Renato G; Novo, Rosa F
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| · Psychometric properties of a motivation and strategies for learning scale Oliveira, Katya Luciane de; Maieski, Sandra; Beluce, Andrea Carvalho; Oliveira, Gracielly T. de; Santos, Andressa dos
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| · Development and validation of a desirable attributes of the ideal partner scale Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso; Gonçalves, Marina Pereira; Gomes, Ana Isabel Araújo de Brito; Freires, Leogildo Alves; Coelho, Jorge Artur Peçanha de Miranda
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| · Validity evidence of the “Student Alienation and Trauma Survey – R” scale Albuquerque, Paloma Pegolo de; Williams, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
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| · Psychometric parameters of the Leiter-R International Performance Scale for Preschool Children Mecca, Tatiana Pontrelli; Antonio, Daniela Aguilera Moura; Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo; Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
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| · Cultural adaptation and evidences of validity of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale Petrucci, Giovanna Wanderley; Borsa, Juliane Callegaro; Barbosa, Altemir José Gonçalves; Koller, Sílvia Helena
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Nota técnica |
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| · Characterization and Assessment of an Online Data Collection Procedure (CORP) Wachelke, João; Natividade, Jean; Andrade, Alexsandro de; Wolter, Rafael; Camargo, Brigido
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