Editorial |
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| Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos |
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Articles |
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| · Metaphors and divergent thinking: Creativity, schooling and achievement in Arts and Technology David, Ana Paula; Morais, Maria de Fátima; Primi, Ricardo; Miguel, Fabiano Koich
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| · An exploratory study in patients with depression by the Rorschach Comprehensive System Hisatugo, Carla Luciano Codani; Yazigi, Latife
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| · Portuguese validation of the Teaching Practices for Creativity in Higher Education Inventory Morais, Maria de Fátima; Almeida, Leandro Silva; Azevedo, Ivete; Alencar, Eunice Maria Lima Soriano de; Fleith, Denise de Souza
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| · Validity characteristics of a meaning of work inventory in creative industries Bendassolli, Pedro F.; Torres, Camila Costa
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| · Reliability and Validity evidences of Pfister Colored Pyramid Test to children assessment Farah, Flávia Helena Zanetti; Cardoso, Lucila Moraes; Villemor-Amaral, Anna Elisa de
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| · Executive Function Impairments in crack/cocaine abusers: estudios de caso Ferreira, Vinícius Renato Thomé; Colognese, Bruna Tolotti
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| · Stress in a hair: Systematic review on capillary cortisol Silva, Andressa Melina Becker da; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorim
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| · Psychometric properties of the well-being scales: PWI, SWLS, BMSLSS and CAS Bedin, Lívia Maria; Sarriera, Jorge Castellá
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| · Speed of Information processing in adolescents from public and private schools Rocinholi, Luciene de Fátima; Oliveira, Mirian Akiko Furutani; Zaninotto, Ana Luiza Costa; Lúcia, Mara Cristina Souza De; Scaff, Milberto
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| · Assessment tests of reading components: investigation of theirs psychometric parameters Dias, Natália Martins; Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
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| · The factor structure of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R): A systematic review Filho, Nelson Hauck; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira; Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de
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| · Psychometric properties of Peruvian adaptation of the critical thinking test PENCRISAL Rivas, Silvia F; Bueno, Patricia Morales; Saiz, Carlos
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| · Psychometric Indicators of Children's Depression Inventory and Childhood Sample Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima; Oliveira, Marcelo Xavier de; Pereira, Denise Reinaldo; Santana, Inayara Oliveira de
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| · Neuropsychological tests used in patients suffering from stroke Reis-Yamauti, Verônica Lima dos; Neme, Carmen Maria Bueno; Lima, Mirella F. Cardia F. de; Belancieri, Maria de Fátima
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| · Resilience Scale for Adults: Application among civil servants Carvalho, Virgínia D; Teodoro, Maycoln Leôni Martins; Borges, Livia de Oliveira
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| · Motivation for learning in vocational technical education Scacchetti, Fabio Alexandre Pereira; Oliveira, Katya Luciane de; Rufini, Sueli Édi
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Nota técnica |
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| · The process of construction of psychometric scales Reppold, Caroline Tozzi; Gurgel, Léia Gonçalves; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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