Editorial |
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| Filho, Nelson Hauck |
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Articles |
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| · Psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Time Perspective Inventory for adolescents Bardagi, Marucia Patta; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira; Lassance, Maria Célia Pacheco; Janeiro, Isabel Nunes
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| · Development and standardization of a brazilian set of pictorial stimuli Zibetti, Murilo Ricardo; Bordignon, Suelen; Trentini, Clarissa Marceli
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| · Forms of Bullying Scale: Evidence of construct validity of the brazilian version Santos, Layrtthon Carlos de Oliveira; Gouveia, Rildésia Silva Veloso; Soares, Ana Karla Silva; Cavalcanti, Thiago Medeiros; Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso
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| · Construction and initial psychometric studies of the Escala Laboral de Assédio Moral (ELAM) Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín; Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Cardoso, Hugo Ferrari
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| · Development of the Reasons for Higher Education Dropout Scale Ambiel, Rodolfo A. M.
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| · Evidence of validity of Rorschach Performance Assessment System in the diagnosis of schizophrenia Vieira, Philipe Gomes; Villemor-Amaral, Anna Elisa
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| · Cognitive Triad Inventory for Children: Adaptation and psychometrics properties Teodoro, Maycoln L. M.; Froeseler, Mariana V. G.; Almeida, Vanessa M.; Ohno, Priscilla M.
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| · Personality traits and nicotine dependence in college students Fujita, Ângela Tamye Lopes; Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia; Rondina, Regina de Cássia
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| · Self-efficacy Scale for Dancers (SESD): Construction and validity evidences Silva, Andressa Melina Becker da; Luz, Tatiane Stephan Rocchetti; Afonso, Renan de Morais; Araújo, Murilo Fernandes de; Bittencourt, Isabella Goulart; Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorim
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| · Development and validation of the Scale of Obsessions and Compulsions for adolescents Reppold, Caroline Tozzi; Gurgel, Léia Gonçalves; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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| · Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC): Psychometric studies Seabra-Santos, Maria João; Major, Sofia; Pimentel, Mariana; Gaspar, Maria Filomena; Antunes, Natália; Roque, Vanessa
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| · Personality assessment and social networks: An integrative proposal Magalhães, Mauro de Oliveira; Brito, Fernanda de Souza
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| · Construction of an abbreviated Five Factor personality scale Passos, Maria Fabiana Damásio; Laros, Jacob Arie
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| · Beliefs when coping with career development tasks with highschool students Leal, Mara de Souza; Melo-Silva, Lucy Leal; Teixeira, Maria Odília
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| · Adaptation of the Academic Expectation Scale of Freshman University Students Marinho-Araujo, Claisy Maria; Fleith, Denise de Souza; Almeida, Leandro Silva; Bisinoto, Cynthia; Rabelo, Mauro Luiz
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| · Metric Evidences of the adaptation of the Social Dominance Scale in a portuguese sample Giger, Jean-Christophe; Orgambídez-Ramos, Alejandro; Gonçalves, Gabriela; Santos, Joana; Gomes, Alexandra
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| · Emotional competences: study of the validity of a measurement instrument Bueno, José Maurício Haas; Correia, Fernanda Maria de Lira; Abacar, Mussa; Gomes, Yves de Albuquerque; Júnior, Francisco Santos Pereira
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Reviews |
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| · Avaliação em Psicologia Positiva Pires, Jeferson Gervasio
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