Editorial |
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| Hauck Filho, Nelson |
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Articles |
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| · Goal Achievement at Work Scale: Adaptation and validity evidence Oliveira-Silva, Lígia Carolina; Porto, Juliana Barreiros
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| · Exploratory and hierarchical factorial analysis of the Triangular Love Scale Hernandez, José Augusto Evangelho
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| · Workplace bullying: Scale validity evidence and relationship to quality of work life Campos, Maria Isabel de; Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín
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| · Elderly performance with and without depressive symptoms on the WCST-64 Esteves, Cristiane Silva; Oliveira, Camila Rosa de; Irigaray, Tatiana Quarti; Argimon, Irani Iracema de Lima
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| · Internal structure of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Evidence of validity Couto, Gleiber; Bartholomeu, Daniel; Montiel, José Maria
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| · Subjective Well-Being in childhood: Assessment using the Draw-A-Person test Viapiana, Vanisa Fante; Bandeira, Cláudia de Moraes; Giacomoni, Claudia Hofheinz
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| · Sex offenders evaluated using the Human Figure Drawing Casarin, Juliane Magda; Botelho, Elizabeth Hertel Lenhardt; Ribeiro, Rosangela Kátia Sanches Mazzorana
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| · Academic self-efficacy and learning self-regulation: Relationship network at online databases Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo; Serpa, Alexandre Luiz de Oliveira; Borges, Lisandra; Martins, Rosana Maria Mohallem
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| · Validity evidence of the Scale of Social Conduct for Adolescents Reppold, Caroline Tozzi; Gurgel, Léia Gonçalves; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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| · Validity evidence of the Dissociative Experiences Scale in a nonclinical sample Maraldi, Everton de Oliveira; Zangari, Wellington
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| · Fatigue Assessment Scale: Diferential item functioning in Brazilian regions Cavalcanti, Thiago Medeiros; Melo, Romulo Lustosa Pimenteira de; Medeiros, Emerson Diogenes De; Santos, Layrtthon Carlos De Oliveira; Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso
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| · IPSF: Analysis of internal structure in a sample of Portuguese young adults Gonçalves, Marta; Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Farcas, Diana
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Nota técnica |
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| · The path of psychological assessment in ANPEPP Symposiums Nascimento, Elizabeth do; Vasconcelos, Alina Gomide
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Reviews |
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| · Psicometria Ferraz, Adriana Satico
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