Editorial Lima, Thatiana Helena de
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Articles |
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| · The cognitive interview in the adaptation and validation of a psychometric instrument Pereira, Giovana Urretia; Beal, Gustavo Moreira; Oliveira, Manoela Ziebell de
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| · Psychometric Properties of the Dyslexia Signs Screening Scale for Teachers Cardoso, Heloísa dos Santos Peres; Ferreira, Fernanda de Oliveira; Freitas, Patrícia Martins de
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| · Effects of meditation on attention, executive functions and school performance Vidal, Egon Ralf Souza; Lima, Thatiana Helena de
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| · The Brazilian CBCL/6-18 inventory: review of evidence of validity and reliability Roama-Alves, Rauni Jandé; Amorim, Rosimeire de Moraes
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| · General and Organizational Cynicism Scale: Evidence of Validity for Brazil Silva, Ana Cláudia Alves de Medeiros; Neiva, Elaine Rabelo
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| · Scale of Conjugal Conflict: Internal validity and relation to other variables Mosmann, Clarisse Pereira; Costa, Crístofer Batista da; Delatorre, Marina Zanella; Wagner, Adriana
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| · Instruments for the Assessment of Schizophrenia in Brazil: Literature Review Silva, Artur Gevásio Lira da; Farias, Mariana Gonçalves
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| · Adaptation and validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT) Machado, Antônio Bonfada Collares; Souza, Lauren Heineck de; Zancan, Renata Klein; Dillenburg, Mariana Sanseverino; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Construction of the Multidimensional Empathy Scale for Adults and evaluation of its psychometric properties Sampaio, Leonardo Rodrigues; Camino, Cleonice Pereira dos Santos
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| · Construction of the Courtesy Stigma among Family Members of Drug Users Scale (ECOFAD) Maldonado, Daniel Augusto Costa; Martins, Leonardo Fernandes; Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Ronzani, Telmo Mota
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| · Evidence of the Male Sexual Function Index (MSFI) for the Brazilian Context Silva Júnior, Mauro Dias; Silva, Adna Janaína de Araújo; Natividade, Jean Carlos; Goulart, Paulo Roney Kilpp; Souza, Maria Luíza Rodrigues Sampaio de
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