Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The analytic listening: body, affection and word Fuchs, Solange Serrano; Zornig, Silvia
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| · The impossibility on paternity's role: some considerations Cúnico, Sabrina Daiana; Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Cantele, Juliana
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| · Homoparental families: are they that different Martinez, Ana Laura Moraes
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| · Pesticides: a seed planted in the body and mind of rural workers Araújo, José Newton Garcia de; Greggio, Maria Regina; Pinheiro, Tarcísio Márcio Magalhães
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| · The desire to leave: a study about attempted suicide Toro, Giovana Vidotto Roman; Nucci, Nely Aparecida Guernelli; Toledo, Tatiana Bruno de; Oliveira, Andréia Elisa Garcia de; Prebianchi, Helena Bazanelli
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| · The impact of the new Adoption Law in residential care: the perspective of psychologists and social workers who are part of professional teams Silva, Milena Leite; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
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| · Scientific production in the field of psychology on death Faraj, Suane Pastoriza; Cúnico, Sabrina Daiana; Quintana, Alberto Manuel; Beck, Carmem Lúcia Colomé
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| · Psychology, difference and epistemology: retracing the paths of a paradoxical constitution Benevides, Pablo Severiano
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| · Childhood trauma and its association with mood disorders in adulthood: a systematic review Figueiredo, Ângela Leggerini; Dell'aglio, José Caetano; Silva, Thiago Loreto; Souza, Luciano Dias de Mattos; Argimon, Irani Iracema de Lima
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| · University-to-work transition: expectations of university graduates Oliveira, Marina Cardoso de; Detomini, Vitor Corrêa; Melo-Silva, Lucy Leal
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Open section |
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| · Engajamento com cidadãos: lições aprendidas na construção do Sistema Único de Saúde Cornwall, Andrea; Shankland, Alex
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