Editorial |
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| · Novas perspectivas no cenário nacional da grupoterapia
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Articles |
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| · The insanity and (re) production in contemporary Tavares, Leandro Anselmo Todesqui; Hashimoto, Francisco
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| · The vicissitudes of the instinct in the loving contemporary choices Terzis, Antonios; Oliveira, Gustavo Presídio de; Orlandi, Maria Aparecida; Donnamaria, Carla Pontes
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| · The experience of the loving link: to be one or to be two? Mishima, Fernanda Kimie Tavares
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| · Wide supporting groups: etayage and psychological support in psychotherapeutic groups Mantovani, Alexandre
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| · Possible interventions and evaluations in operative groups Carniel, Isabel Cristina
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| · Family reorganization after fatal illness of a child: the father as caregiver Oliveira-Cardoso, Érika Arantes de; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · Group sociability between young adults from low income families: subjectivity and gender Risk, Eduardo Name; Romanelli, Geraldo
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| · Redefinition of group and elderly Picolo, Camila Caparroti Rotiroti Dal; Fernandes, Beatriz Silveiro
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