Editorial |
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| · Os sempre renovados desafios da editoração científica e o compromisso com a qualidade das publicações em Psicologia Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
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Articles |
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| · The contemporary statute of parenthood Gorin, Michelle Christof; Mello, Renata; Machado, Rebeca Nonato; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha
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| · Marital relationships nowadays: individuals' perceptions in long-term marriages Costa, Crístofer Batista da; Mosmann, Clarisse Pereira
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| · Military dictatorship and Psychoanalytic Societies: relations and resonances on praxis Kyrillos Neto, Fuad; Pádua, Maria Luiza Guimarães de
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| · Positive aging as a social construction: discursive practices of men over sixty years Santos, Sofia Teodoro dos; Souza, Laura Vilela e
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| · Public policies and violence against women: the southwestern reality Goiás Souza, Tatiana Machiavelli Carmo; Sousa, Yara Layne Resende
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| · Drug users homeless fears and expectations De Tilio, Rafael; Vidotto, Letícia Trombini; Galego, Pâmela Suelen
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| · Discussion groups at CRAS: questioning the poverty and its impacts Sicari, Aline Amaral; Oliveira, Tamara Rossi de; Pereira, Eliane Regina
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| · Emotional experiences of mothers and fathers of children with disabilities Oliveira, Isaura Gisele de; Poletto, Michele
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| · The exclusion of the subject from the medical practices in the hospital context Nascimento, Gicelma Barreto; Henriques, Rogério da Silva Paes
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