| Table of contents Rev. SPAGESP vol.18 no.1 Ribeirão Preto Jan./June 2017 Editorial | | | | · Ciência que se tece: alinhavos nos estudos sobre grupos, famílias, instituições e saúde mental Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
| | | Articles | | | | · Nomination practices in contemporaneous family relations Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha; Machado, Rebeca Nonato; Mello, Renata; Magalhães, Andrea Seixas
| | | | · Emotional health of community agents: burnout, stress, well-being and quality of life Silva, Mônia Aparecida da; Lampert, Simone Steyer; Bandeira, Denise Ruschel; Bosa, Cleonice Alves; Barroso, Sabrina Martins
| | | | · The young offenders motivations for crime and their prospects for the future: an bioecological overview Niquice, Fernando; Poletto, Michele; Koller, Silvia Helena
| | | | · Pedophilia: life story of individuals and their return to family by means of gradual discharge Marafiga, Caroline Velasquez; Falcke, Denise; Teodoro, Maycoln Leôni Martins
| | | | · Children waiting for adoption or in provisional measure of protection: the school inclusion Maciel, Rafaela de Fátima Moraes; Teodoro, Marília Consolini; Alves, Jéssika Rodrigues; Ribeiro, Laura Moraes; Queiroz, Luísa Gomes; Serralha, Conceição Aparecida
| | | | · Operative group with parents of young people in career choice process Almeida, Fabiana Hilário de; Melo-Silva, Lucy Leal; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
| | | | · Brazilian adaptations of the bick observation method in empirical research Santos, Antonia Cláudia Soares Leão dos; Pedroso, Janari da Silva
| | | | · Money management concerning children in divorced couples Nardi, Pamela; Cenci, Cláudia Mara Bosetto; Bortolin, Denice; Neves, Márcio Medina
| | | | · Return adopted children: an integrative review of literature Rossato, Jussara Glória; Falcke, Denise
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