| Table of contents Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) vol.6 no.2 São Paulo June 2008 Editorial | | | | | | | Original Articles | | | | · Sexuality and breast cancer: stories of eight affected women Santos, Lucas Nápoli dos; Dias, Carlos Alberto; Lacerda, Grazielle Lage; Barreto, Walter William Pereira; Santos, Thaíse Rodrigues dos
| | | | · The stress incidence in hospitalized patients Macena, Cristiane Santos de; Lange, Elaine Soares Neves
| | | | · Research about the therapeutic efficacy and theoretical interpretation on operational brief psychotherapy Gebara, Angela Cristini; Simon, Ryad
| | | | · Wechsler Intelligence Scale Children in the inquirity of ADHD Ignacio, Michele Guiterres; Gonsalez, Sueli Medeiros Lima; Almeida, Cristiana Castanho de Rocca; Andrade, Ênio Roberto de; Monteiro, Luciana de Carvalho
| | | | · Growing old and episodic memory: performance of 15 old people in the BVMT-R and HVLT-R Vale, Tacianny Lorena Freitas do; Serrao, Valéria Trunkl; Machado, Melissa de Almeida Rodrigues; Jungerman, Flávia Serebrenic; Lúcia, Mara Cristina Souza de; Scaff, Milberto; Miotto, Eliane Correa
| | | | · Influence of yoga practice on cognitive functioning in normal aging Cinalli, Fernanda Zanetti; Serrao, Valéria Trunkl; Campanholo, Kenia Repiso; Jungerman, Flávia Serebrenic; Lúcia, Mara Cristina Souza de; Scaff, Milberto; Miotto, Eliane Correa
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