| Table of contents Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) vol.10 no.2 São Paulo July 2012 Editorial | | | | Benute, Gláucia Guerra | | | Original Articles | | | | · Children as subjects in research: an integrative literature review Oliveira, Tatiane Guimarães Pedroso de; Muylaert, Camila Junqueira; Reis, Alberto Olavo Advíncula
| | | | · Heart surgery: feeling of patient before and after surgery Quintana, Jacqueline Feltrin; Kalil, Renato A. Karan
| | | | · Reasons for referral to psychology and listening to the medical demand in the department of immunology and allergy Catani, Júlia; Juhas, Thiago Robles; Santos, Niraldo de Oliveira; Moretto, Maria Lívia Tourinho; Lucia, Mara Cristina Souza de
| | | | · Tubal sterilization and representation of feminine: aspects prior to surgery Nepomuceno, Renata Carolo; Benute, Gláucia Rosana Guerra; Miyadahira, Seizo; Lucia, Mara Cristina Souza de; Francisco, Rossana Pulcinelli Vieira de
| | | | · Beliefs related to the feminine nature forward pregnancy and maternal-fetal bonding Rocha, Glauco Heirison dos Santos; Benute, Gláucia Rosana Guerra; Santos, Niraldo de Oliveira; Lucia, Mara Cristina Souza de; Francisco, Rossana Pulcineli Vieira de
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