| Table of contents Escritos educ. vol.4 no.2 Ibirité Dec. 2005 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · The philosophical view of the body Dumont, Adilson; Preto, Édison Luis de Oliveira
| | | | · The school system and the production of school disciplines as an object of socio-historycal investigation Leite, Ângelo Filomeno Palhares
| | | | · School timing: implementation of block scheduling in rural schools in the countryside of Brazil Sanguinetto, Evandro de Castro; Santos, Maria Terezinha C. T.
| | | | · Social inequality and brazilian educational system: the urgency of the emancipatory education Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo; Euzébios Filho, Antonio
| | | | · Primaty documents souces of history of psycholoy and history of education: constitution of the archives of documents from the selection professional orientation service - SOSP (1949-1994) Campos, Regina Célia Pereira; Silva, Lívia Duarte; Silva, Rafiza de Andrade
| | | Comunication | | | | · De fontes de memória à proposta de pesquisa de formação de professores Silva, Fabrine Leonard; Teixeira, Maria das Graças Silva; Garcia, Maria Mello; Nunes, Maria Therezinha
| | | Review | | | | · Aprendizagem da leitura nos novos tempos Witter, Geraldina Porto
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