| Table of contents Rev. bras. orientac. prof vol.20 no.2 Florianópolis July/Dec. 2019 Editorial | | | | · Encerramento de um ciclo: relatório do biênio 2018-2019 Oliveira, Manoela Ziebell de; Barbosa, Nathália Mambrini Sandoval
| | | Articles | | | | · Intergroup relations and affirmative action: law students perceptions Ribeiro, Elisa Maria Barbosa de Amorim; Peixoto, Adriano de Lemos Alves; Bastos, Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt
| | | | · Psychosocial profile of new medical students in a bilingual and multicultural university Zazula, Robson; Appenzeller, Simone
| | | | · It is too much pressure! Perceptions about mental strain among medical students Dâmaso, Juliana Gomes Bergo; Pereira, Bruna Schipmann; Batista, Cássia Beatriz; Conceição, Ludmila de Souza; Pereira, Gabriel dos Santos; Carniele, Rafael Cevolani
| | | | · Evaluation of Academic Training in Psychology from graduates' perception Mourão, Luciana; Travassos, Rômulo; Abbad, Gardênia da Silva; Carvalho, Luara
| | | | · Validity evidences of a measure of career decision-making difficulties Vale, Carolina Lopes do; Silva, José Manuel Tomás da
| | | | · Processes of professional development: the proposition of a model for different careers Fernandes, Helenita de Araujo; Mourão, Luciana
| | | | · Job Search Intentions in Higher Education: Employability and Self-Efficacy Gomes, João; Gamboa, Vítor; Paixão, Olímpio
| | | | · Effects of the working alliance in career counseling Marcilio, Fabiane Cristina Pereira; Dias, Ana Cristina Garcia; Silva, Cláudia Sampaio Corrêa da; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira
| | | | · Indicators of theoretical and practical training of vocational guidance practitioners Barros, Leonardo de Oliveira; Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
| | | | · Preparation for retirement and leisure: possible contributions of Gestalt approach Souza, Mariângela Carvalho de; Pinho, Felipe Saraiva Nunes de; Carioca, Jacinta Maria Grangeiro; Pessoa, Karine Lima Verde
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