Editorial |
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| Hintz, Helena Centeno |
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Articles |
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| · Conjugality and conflicts experienced from remarriage Alves, Amanda Pansard; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
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| · The marriage of parents and the conjugality of children: from the traditional model to the contemporary model Ozório, Claudina Damascena; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha; Magalhães, Andrea Seixas
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| · Stress, coping and emotional experiences: an analysis of coping response couple Mussumeci, Aline Amaral; Ponciano, Edna Lúcia Tinoco
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| · Family influences in child psychotherapy process: diurnal and nocturnal enuresis - a case study Oliveira, Ana Paula de; Pereira, Veronica Aparecida; Bottega, Daniela Cristina
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| · Peppa Pig: a study on family relationships between grandparents, parents and grandchildren Santos, Rubia Mara Requeña dos; Falcão, Deusivania Vieira da Silva
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| · Affection and conflict in the family, functional capacity and expectation of care of the elderly Silva, Laila Lorena Nogueira Batista da; Rabelo, Dóris Firmino
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| · Career choice: systemic theory and interventions for adolescent and family Tessaro, Débora; Schmidt, Beatriz
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| · Work-family conflict: a study on the subject in the Brazilian context Feijó, Marianne Ramos; Goulart Júnior, Edward; Nascimento, Jéssica Mendes do; Nascimento, Nashila Beatriz do
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| · Social support and family functioning: longitudinal study of vulnerable families Seibel, Bruna Larissa; Falceto, Olga Garcia; Hollist, Cody Stonewall; Springer, Paul; Fernandes, Carmen Luiza Corrêa; Koller, Silvia Helena
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| · Family therapy as a redefinition of space relations Rossato, Mara Lúcia
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| · Socialization, gender and family: an integrative review of scientific literature Campos, Maria Teresa de Assis; De Tilio, Rafael; Crema, Izabella Lenza
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| · Infidelity in romantic relationships: opportunities in couples’ clinical work Sattler, Marli Kath; Tavares, Ana Cristina Costa Nicola; Silva, Isabela Machado da
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