Editorial |
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Subjects |
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| · A reevaluation of the radical behaviorism Campos Roldán, Manuel
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| · Protective factors in the prevention of the infantile sexual abuse Deza Villanueva, Sabina
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| · Importance of teaching strategies and the curricular plan Kohler Herrera, Johanna
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| · The evaluation of creativity Laime Pérez, Miriam Carolina
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| · Methods and instruments to measure the resilience: a peruvian alternative Salgado Lévano, Ana Cecilia
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| · Reading comprehension and psichological processes Vallés Arándiga, Antonio
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Investigations |
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| · Social skills family social climate and academic yield in university students Nuñez Del Arco, Carmen Rosa García
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| · Healthy styles of life in a group of students of a private university in Lima City Grimaldo Muchotrigo
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| · Mental labor load and psicotrastorns in industrial workers Rocha Romero, Raúl
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| · Resilience history of Ana and Luis Saavedra Guajardo, Eugenio
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| · Exploratory study: contribution to the psychological knowledge throughout of scientific publications Vera La Torre, José Luis
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| · Non verbal evaluation of the personality: exploratory analysis of a new one and potencial focus of evaluacion of the five of personality in professionals of the sport Merino Soto, César A.; Villanueva Zegarra, Vicente; De Roma, Virginia
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