Editorial |
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Subjects |
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| · The quantity - quality (wrong) dilemma Campos Roldán, Manuel
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| · The early stimulation programs from the teachers perspective Zúñiga Godoy, Claudia Inés González
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| · Systematizing a job experience: pre-professional practices in community psychology Grimaldo Muchotrigo, Mirian Pilar; Mori Sánchez, María del Pilar; Morales Carrillo, Mirian Tuty
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| · Ways of thinking and strategies of the quality investigation Gürtler, Leo; L. Huber, Günter
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| · Quality methodology or the entrance door of the emotion in the scientific investigation Márquez Barradas, María Luz
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| · Philosophy of the unconscious Molina Ureta, Javier
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| · The quality investigation, a present discussion Saavedra Guajardo, Eugenio; Castro R., Ana
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| · Quality investigation, designs, evaluation of the methodological strictness and challenges Salgado Lévano, Ana Cecilia
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| · Mario Vargas Llosa and the "primal scene" Silva Tuesta, Max
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| · A ethnomethodological focus Urbano Gil, Henrique
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| · Carlos Alberto Seguin: To 100 years of the birth of an illustrious Peruvian Romero Croce, Jesús
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