Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Detach oneself as a decision: to be separated Puget, Janine
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| · Does group analysis need the neurosciences? Melo, João Carlos
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| · Prejudice in group analysis: some thouguts about finishing group analysis Ferro, Sara
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| · The group as a learning place Rufatto, Amaury Tadeu
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| · Drawing as an additional resource in chindren's group psycotherapy Fernandes, Beatriz Silverio
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| · Adolescence and drugs: some thoughts to those providing care to adolescents and their family
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| · Thinking about the intersection of wish, responsability and power: The trajectory of a mental health service Citrangulo, Alaíza Helena Ribeiro; Vasconcellos, Theresa Cristina César Fernandes
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| · The experience of seeing a group of relatives in a center of psychosocial infantile attantion (Capsi) Toledo, Rose Pompeu de
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| · Life-death in a team-work of a hospital: supervision of supervision Díaz, Jozélia Regina; Henriques, Olmos Wilma Magaldi
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