Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The affects' role at the functioning of the mental apparatus David, Mario
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| · Manifestations in psychoanalytical group therapy as archeological registers of proto-mental configurations on their way to psychic inscription Franco Filho, Odilon de Mello
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| · Group representations: the psychoanalytical perspective - 2nd part Ávila, Lazslo Antonio
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| · Children psychoanalysis: a linking focus Rojas, Maria Cristina
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| · Observation of psychoanalytic-based therapeutic-group: the emotional experience as an important resource in the training tool of therapists Lam, Carla; Silveira, Marcílio Sandoval; Silveira, Mary Lise Moysés
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| · The attention in an institution of child mental health Moretto, Cybele Carolina; Conejo, Simone Peixoto; Terzis, Antonios
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| · Transference in the psychoanalytical treatment of couples Sánchez Escárcega, Jorge
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| · Psychological distress in a public inst: between care and violence Hur, Domenico Uhng; Oliveira, Ismênia de Camargo e; Koda, Mirna Yamazato
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