Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Experiences with a group of children through music: a psychoanalytic study Carvalho, João Paulo Evangelista; Térzis, Antônios
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| · A study on the exercise of the parenthood in homosexual context Rodriguez, Brunella Carla; Paiva, Maria Lucia de Souza Campos
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| · Family perception’s about anorexia and bulimia nervosa Souza, Laura Vilela e; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos; Scorsolini-Comin, Fábio
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| · The Ego is plural: groups: the psychoanalytical perspective Ávila, Lazslo Antonio
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| · The group setting as a strategy for career counseling of psychotics Ribeiro, Marcelo Afonso
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| · Post-modernity and its influences on individuals, social groups, in psychopathology and in psychoanalysis Campuzano, Mario
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| · The construction of an identity for the mature adult from the subjectivity of the social imaginary Barros, Carlos Alberto M.
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| · Secrets and family conflicts: a case study Almeida, Carla Cristina de; Costa, Giovana de Oliveira; Gomes, Kátia Varela
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