Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Training for orientation of parents: an interdisciplinary dialogue Hiluey, Antonia Angela Gonçalves da Silva
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| · Helplessness and disavowal in the family today: the analyst's interventions Rojas, Maria Cristina
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| · The "open-door syndrome" - diagnosis based on a multifamiliar group Centeno, Maria João; Godinho, Paula; Fialho, Teresa; Teixeira, Ana Luisa; Manso Neto, Isaura
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| · The container function the use of counter' transference as a tool of group psychotherapy in patients with severe mental disorders in the development of the psychism Macedo, Carina Rugai Moreira de
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| · Learning in transit: of pratical the individual ones to the group ones...care and zeal in the formation of new therapist Henriques, Wilma Magaldi
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| · Where is the theory? Second thougths about my clinical activity with groups Svartman, Betty
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| · The psychoanalytic discussion group as a device for learning and sharing Emlio, Solange Aparecida
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Report of experience |
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| · Second thoughts about the large group: the group "mamut" Margolis, Jorge
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