Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · We have our own time: group of the professional guidance in the secondary education Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Nedel, Angelita Zamberlan; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · Rhyme at school, poetry in history Ferreira, Maíra Soares
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| · Social anxiety: construction of a group space of communication and security Souza, Laura Vilela e
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| · The psychoterapist's listening in a group with people suffering from mental disorder treated at Center of Psychosocial Attention Furlan, Valquíria; Ribeiro, Sandra Fogaça Rosa
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| · Group Coaching - ciga-Coaching of group analytic inspiration Teixeira, Ana Luisa
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| · Endless adolescence Ávila, Lazslo Antonio
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