| Table of contents Vínculo vol.9 no.1 São Paulo June 2012 Editorial | | | | Emílio, Solange Aparecida | | | Articles | | | | · High school curricular guidance as a contribution to student group development Santos, Alexandre dos; Lojo, Ana Carolina Godoy F.; Oliveira, Bruna Ronchi; Martino, Cibelle Ladeira Scudeler; Moura, Marcos Lanner de; Picchia, Pedro da Cunha Del; Alves, Silvia de Souza
| | | | · Between the concrete rupture and the symbolic maintenance of bonding: particularities of grief for family caregivers of patients with chronic-degenerative diseases Gonzaga, Ludymilla Zacarias Martins; Peres, Rodrigo Sanches
| | | | · The group device in Schizoanalysis: Tetravalence and Schizodrama Hur, Domenico Uhng
| | | | · The Challenge of the Drug-Addiction Terada, Daniela Pavan; Celidonio, Nancy Barquete; Silva, Elieni Cristina; Ávila, Lazslo Antonio
| | | | · Contemporary (and not contemporary) questions on the clinical practice Silva, Laís Santin; Souza, Laura Vilela e; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
| | | | · An Introduction to the Operative Groups: Theory and Technique Castanho, Pablo
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