| Table of contents Vínculo vol.10 no.1 São Paulo May 2013 Editorial | | | | Toledo, Rose Pompeu de | | | Articles | | | | · The (in)sustainable lightness of affective ties: investigating sexuality inwomen facing the treatment of breast cancer Santos, Manoel Antônio dos; Peres, Rodrigo Sanches; Ferreira, Simone Mara de Araujo; Gozzo, Thais de Oliveira; Panobianco, Marislei Sanches; Almeida, Ana Maria de
| | | | · Patology of the current medicine - DSM, CID and other "labels"... Aren't we seeing people? Fernandes, Waldemar José
| | | | · Anthropophagi and sustainability: bonds in women with substance abusedisorders? Trinca, Ricardo Trape; Sanches, Mariana Verpa; Carvalho, Felipe Alckmin; Hochgraf, Patricia B.; Ely, Patricia; Brasiliano, Silvia
| | | | · The mother faces incest: the condition of absence, repetition and denial in family history Gomes, Layla Raquel Silva; Neves, Anamaria Silva
| | | | · First name repetition: family and cultural bonds Santos, Bruna Francinetti Menezes Castro dos; Cerveny, Ceneide Maria de Oliveira
| | | | · ADHD and the Neurocentrism: reflections on the symptoms of lack of attention and hyperactivity and their register in the bio identities Neto, Fuad Kyrillos; Santos, Rodrigo Afonso Nogueira
| | | | · Challenges to keep as a couple in contemporaneity: contributions of psycho-analysis on the marital dynamic Zanetti, Sandra Aparecida Serra; Sei, Maíra Bonafé; Colavin, João Rafael Pimentel
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