Editorial |
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| Fernandes, Beatriz Silverio |
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Articles |
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| · Group: the gaze of others Davidovich, Noemí; Palonsky, Susana; Satne, Martha
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| · Nutritional treatment of the anorexia and bulimia: the psychological aspects of the patient, of their families and of the dietitians Bechara, Ana Paula do Vale; Kohatsu, Lineu N.
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| · Schizophrenia: from dementia praecox to the contemporary considerations Amaral, Vanessa Ferraz do
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| · Autist speaks and thinks: a study about the mediation between motherhood and paternity Prista, Rosa Maria
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| · On how an analyst works when coordinating a group Castanho, Pablo
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Review |
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| · Resenha de lo libro de Marcelo Cao - Desventuras de la autoestima adolescente. Hacia una clínica del enemigo íntimo Rojas, Maria Cristina
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