Editorial |
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| Toledo, Rose Pompeu de |
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Conference |
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| · Of objectifying "between two" to the expulsive "between two": many linking vicissitudes Puget, Janine
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Articles |
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| · The importance of breastfeeding in the physical, mental and relational development of children Ospina, Jessica Marín; Urrego, Ángela María Jiménez; Betancourt, Eder Antonio Villamarín
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| · Thinking about the intervention operator Marazina, Isabel
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| · Medical group appointment: personal availability and strengthening of the community Leal, Rachel Cristina R. G.
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| · The assemblies as a possibility of mental health care Junqueira, Anamélia Maria Guimarães; Carniel, Isabel Cristina; Mantovani, Alexandre
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| · Possibilities of psychoanalyst's action at the Social Assistance Reference Center Paula, Fernanda Oliveira Queiroz de; Paiva, Joice de
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| · Operative group with teens at a social welfare center: the question of gender identity Santos, Manoel Antônio dos; Scatena, Liliana; Ferriani, Maria das Graças Carvalho; Peres, Rodrigo Sanches
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