Editorial |
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| Fernandes, Waldemar José; Fernandes, Beatriz Silverio |
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Articles |
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| · The model of the portuguese school of group analysis: integrative aspects and developments in the context of a conceptual-empirical research on the group analytic matrix Marques, Paulo Manuel Baptista da Mota
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| · Operative group as a space for dialogic activities with elderly Lourenço, Regina Célia Celebrone; Massi, Giselle Aparecida de Athayde
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| · The outcome of group illusion within a group of adolescents Fernandes, Elisangela Barboza; Fernandes, Maria Inês Assumpção; Robert, Philippe
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| · Indication of psychoanalytic family therapy for a family with a child obese Berque, Caroline; Robert, Philippe
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| · The caps in a city of south of minas gerais: from implementation to deadlock Paiva, Thiago Bellato de; Kyrillos Neto, Fuad
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| · The collective imaginary of community health agents about users of mental health Silva, Mariana de Abreu Barbosa Pereira da; Peres, Rodrigo Sanches
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| · Paulo Freire’s notion of liberation and psychoanalytical group work Castanho, Pablo
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