Editorial |
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| Fernandes, Beatriz Silverio; Fernandes, Waldemar José |
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Articles |
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| · Who's afraid of the therapeutic groups? Paradoxes and capital gains Manso Neto, Isaura
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| · What is it to be a group analytic psychotherapist group / group psychotherapist? Theoretical and clinical reflections David, Mário
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| · Psychoanalitical group psychotherapy linking-strategic charactheristics Campuzano, Mario
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| · Therapeutic group. We are all in the same boat - uncertain destination Fernandes, Waldemar José
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| · Groups and the construction of the subjectivity: who is the weird Ávila, Lazslo A.
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| · Clinic of linking configurations: from the establishment of the therapeutic relationship to the possible transformations Santos, Manoel Antônio dos; Ciani, Tomaz Alvarez; Pillon, Sandra Cristina; Vedana, Kelly Graziani Giacchero; Miasso, Adriana Inocenti; Souza, Jacqueline de; Colleti, Mayara; Risk, Eduardo Name; Maçaranduba, Pedro Ernesto Rodrigues; Oliveira-Cardoso, Érika Arantes de
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| · Health of public elementary school teachers and the construction of shared psychic spaces Silva, Valéria Aparecida da; Coimbra, Ana Késia Santos; Yokomiso, Celso Takashi
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| · A psychoanalytical perspective on the usage of circle dances as instruments for group work Castanho, Pablo
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| · Alzheimer's, symptoms and groups: a integrative review Caetano, Liandra Aparecida Orlando; Silva, Felipe Santos da; Silveira, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela
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