Editorial |
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| Lamas, Ana Claudia Neves Unger; Fernandes, Beatriz S. |
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Articles |
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| · Late recognition of fatherhood and its effects on the development of children Palmeira, Heloísa Maria; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
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| · Caring for children under parental responsibility: paradigm changes in family relationships. Paternal care for family reconfigurations Andrade, Cristiano de Jesus; Praun, Luci Dovál; Benincasa, Miria
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| · Counseling in a psychological support group for mothers of preterm babies: an exploratory study Peres, Rodrigo Sanches; Santos, Manoel Antonio dos
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| · Group practice and the psychologist role: group intervention in the Estágio de Processos Grupais subject Costa, Jobert Teixeira; Silva, Felipe Santos Da; Silveira, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela
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| · Impact of technology on group analysis with children and adolescents Cruz, Patrícia Mª Ferreira Amaral da
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| · Group psychoanalysis and dreams in communities originating Schweber, Jorge Margolis
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| · Indigenous students in the university: one session with operative group Hur, Domenico Uhng; Couto, Maria Luiza Bitencourt Silva; Nascimento, Joab Silva do
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