| Table of contents Vínculo vol.16 no.1 São Paulo Jan./June 2019 Editorial | | | | Neves, Ana Claudia; Fernandes, Beatriz S. | | | Articles | | | | · Deinstitutionalization in the context of psychiatric reform and its consequences: a story about practices in a caps Rocha, Tiago Humberto Rodrigues; Pena, Bárbara Vilela; Manffré, Marina Capucci; Jesus, Ludmila Madeira
| | | | · The psychic backstage of suicide: a psychoanalytic approach Ferracioli, Natália Gallo Mendes; Oliveira-Cardoso, Érika Arantes de; Vedana, Kelly Graziani Giacchero; Pillon, Sandra Cristina; Miasso, Adriana Inocenti; Souza, Jacqueline de; Risk, Eduardo Name; Oliveira, Wanderlei Abadio de; Leonidas, Carolina; Santos, Manoel Antonio dos
| | | | · The psychologist in the hospital: report of experience in the pediatric infirmary Surjus, Isabella Nathalia Salviato; Cordeiro, Silvia Nogueira; Pisicchio, Rosely Jung
| | | | · Violence in personality disorders: characteristics, meaning and functions Marinho, Guadalupe
| | | | · Possibility of transformation of the subject from the bonds in the children's psychotherapeutic group Basso, Larissa; Souza, Rafaela Moura de; Araújo, Solange; Cândido, Carla Laino
| | | | · Dreaming and grupanalysis Valente, Aucíndio
| | | | · The foregeing's arrival: family group - bulding bridges Martini, Angela M. R.
| | | | · Qualification and continued training of the health worker to work with groups Fernandes, Waldemar José
| | | | · Until something separates them: a study on the establishment and maintenance of marriage in contemporary times Emidio, Thassia Souza; Souza, Juliana Beatriz Ferreira de
| | | | · Psychological doing from the needs and difficulties of guardianship counselors Araujo, Bruno Bonfá; Henriques, Wilma M.
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