| Table of contents Vínculo vol.16 no.2 São Paulo July/Dec. 2019 Editorial | | | | Fernandes, Beatriz S.; Fernandes, Waldemar José | | | Articles | | | | · Group workshops for health promotion: experience with primary health care workers Siqueira, Ana Beatriz Rossato; Ferreira, Caroline da Silva; Veríssimo, Lara Pelliciari; Cecelotti, Amanda Caroline; Santeiro, Tales Vilela; Oliveira, Marina Cardoso de; Ferreira, Cintia Bragheto
| | | | · Families may (themselves) become ill: an integrative review of the scientific literature Alves-Silva, Junia Denise; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
| | | | · And what about the family caregivers of hospitalized psychiatric patients? Paula, Carolina Antonia Goulart de; Tachibana, Miriam
| | | | · The paradox of inclusion: the relevance of listening the subject in the CAPS Santos, Denner Rodrigues G.; Reis, Júlia Katarina N. dos; Rosário, Angela Bucciano do; Kyrillos Neto, Fuad
| | | | · Group intervention and art as a productive tools to Alzheimer´s carriers Silva, Felipe Santos da; Caetano, Liandra Aparecida Orlando; Silveira, Claudia Alexandra Bolela; Junqueira, Camila Rodrigues Alves
| | | | · Gender, adolescence and psychoanalysis: the impact of gender relations on the mental health of adolescents in the city of São Paulo Oliveira, Danielly Passos de; Gomes, Isabel Cristina
| | | | · Active old age: the affective-sexual experience of the elderly Gatti, Maria Carolina; Pinto, Maria Jaqueline Coelho
| | | | · Group psychological interventions in chronic pain published in Psycinfo in 2018 Vitorino, Sueli dos Santos; Tardivo, Leila Salomão de La Plata Cury
| | | | · Transference as resistance: discussion based on the supervision experience Silva, Jenifer Branco da; Brandt, Juan A
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