Editorial |
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| Vieira, Marcio; Fernandes, Beatriz S. |
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Articles |
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| · The birth and development of neuro-psychoanalysis David, Mário; Caeiro, Lara
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| · Caring for children and adolescents after bone marrow transplantation: mother's experiences Oliveira, João Antonio de; Oliveira-Cardoso, Érika Arantes de; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · Loving links in young adults: ruptures and separations Silva, Isabella Torqueti; Okamoto, Mary Yoko
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| · Family-school approach: thinking group experience in public school environment Ribeiro, Guilherme Faria; Santeiro, Tales Vilela; Centurion, Neftali Beatriz
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| · Therapeutic factors in open groups: a qualitative study Aquino, Nayara Cristiny Gonçalves; Sei, Maíra Bonafé
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| · The short story as a mediator object: a group experience with university students Coutinho, Mayara Karolina Alvarenga Recaldes Gomes
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| · Somatization in pregnancy: the relationship of anxieties and onyrical impressions from a psychoanalytical perspective Bonassi, Silvia Maria; Melgaço, Damaris Alcida da Costa
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