Editorial |
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| Giacoia, Rachel C. R.; Fernandes, Beatriz S. |
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Articles |
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| · Psychosis in motherhood: a psychoanalytic look from the film "the strange in me Schorn, Maria Clara Guaragna; Levandowski, Daniela Centenaro
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| · Mental health support for community health agents: interactive groups as protected space Silva, Emily Eunice Dal Prá da; Freitas, Flávio Braga de; Metelski, Fernanda Karla; Magro, Márcia Luiza Pit Dal
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| · Psychological group and psychosomatic intervention: an integrative review Caldeira, Matheus Colombari; Silveira, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela
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| · Secondary attachment processes and child development Izidoro, Isabela Rocha; Pereira, Veronica Aparecida; Rodrigues, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim
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| · The minefield: ethical-methodological recommendations for research in ethnopsychology Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
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| · Group of adolescents in mental health services: a psychosocial rehabilitation tool Menezes, Etiene Silveira de; Kantorski, Luciane Prado; Couto, Maria Laura de Oliveira; Ramos, Camila Irigonhé
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| · The psychologist in the multiprofessional team: report of experience of an intervention in a group of women in secondary health care Lucri, Jamile Julia; Cordeiro, Silvia Nogueira
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| · Training and transformations a glance of an aspirant to group therapist Vieira, Marcio Gonçalves
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