Editorial |
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| Aranha, Gláucio |
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Scientific Article |
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| · Visual and haptic memory for length and area estimates Alliprandini, Paula Mariza Zedu; Paula, Andrea de; Barcellos, Ricardo Tadeu Sandrini
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| · The interdisciplinary method of research on the consciousness conscious of itself Cescon, Everaldo
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| · The game of rules as a resource to evaluation and intervention: a piagetian study with teenagers Santos, Claudimara Chisté; Ortega, Antonio Carlos
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| · The cognitive skills expressed in investigative laboratory work in the secondary chemistry education Suart, Rita de Cássia; Marcondes, Maria Eunice Ribeiro
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| · The expressiveness of the university teacher as cognitive factor in the teach-learning Barbosa, Naymme; Cavalcanti, Elione Soraia; Neves, Eliene Alves Lacerda; Chaves, Tânia Afonso; Coutinho, Francisco Ângelo; Mortimer, Eduardo Fleury
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| · Observation cognitive evidences of the motor learning in the performance of young guitarists monitored by electroencephalogram: a pilot study Bonini-Rocha, Ana Clara; Chiaramonte, Marilda; Zaro, Milton Antonio; Timm, Maria Isabel; Wolff, Daniel
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| · Analogies in chemistry textbooks: a study about the books approved by the National Plan of Textbooks for High School Students 2007 Francisco Junior, Wilmo Ernesto
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| · Utilization the game Super Trunfo Brazilian Trees as a facilitator instrument education of brazilian biomes Canto, Alisson Reis; Zacarias, Marcelo Augusto
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| · The professional education of automobile curse at technical level in the Federal Center of Technological Education "Celso Suckow da Fonseca" (CEFET / RJ): a look at curriculum for environmental issues Lemos, Jorge Luiz Silva de; Leite, Sidnei Quezada M; Costa, Marco Antonio F. da
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Revision |
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| · On the relationship between Gaston Bachelard's and Jean Piaget's works Eichler, Marcelo Leandro
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Essay |
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| · Reflections about word, meaning and memory in Freud and Saussure Prado, Coraci Helena do
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| · Artificial intelligence and thinking: redefining parameters of Turing's primordial question Zilio, Diego
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| · Human errors: consideration under an applied cognitive point of view to creative processes of businesses Gomes Filho, Antonio Costa; Vanzin, Tarcisio; Forcellini, Fernando Antonio
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| · The need for contributions of cognitive science for increase the productivity of human work in organizations Spiegel, Thaís; Cardoso, Vinícius Carvalho
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Scientific Article |
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| · Sexuality denied of mental ill: perceptions of sexuality holder mental illness by health professionals Brito, Patrícia Francisca de; Oliveira, Cleide Correia de
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Essay |
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| · Cognition and value: two aspects of education Voss, Rita de Cássia Ribeiro
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| · Cognitive processes as major elements for a critical education Nascimento, Ruben de Oliveira
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| · Organizer models, subject and education: considerations about de complex thinking Lemos-de-Souza, Leonardo
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| · Reflections on structural concepts in biosafety: contributions to the teaching of science Pereira, Maria Eveline de Castro; Costa, Marco Antonio F. da; Costa, Maria de Fátima Barrozo da; Jurberg, Claudia
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Review |
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| · Problemas psicossociais: análise de produção Oliveira, Maria Helena Mourão Alves
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| · Entre o texto e sua pluralidade, o mediador Ramos, Flávia Brocchetto
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