| Table of contents SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) vol.1 no.2 Ribeirão Preto Aug. 2005 Editorial | | | | | | | Original article | | | | · The narrative process in manifestations of the depressive phenomenon Rolim Neto, Modesto Leite; Rocha, Vera Maria da
| | | | · Acquisition of alcohol use of in a group of mexican adolescents: the effect of the relationship with friends Guzmán Facundo, Francisco Rafael; Alonso Castillo, Maria Magdalena
| | | | · The use of alcoholic drinks by nursing students at the state University of Rio de Janeiro (FENF/UERJ) Marçal, Cíntia Leila de Araújo; Assis, Fernanda de; Lopes, Gertrudes Teixeira
| | | | · The practice of the therapeutic companion involving mental patients Carniel, Aline Dadalte; Pedrão, Luiz Jorge
| | | | · The use of tobacco among undergraduate students of nursing at Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro Matsumoto, Karen dos Santos; Craveiro, Mariana Freire; Rocha, Patrícia Rodrigues da; Lopes, Gertrudes Teixeira
| | | | · Parental alcoholism and consecuencis on children and adolescentes: a review Zanoti-Jeronymo, Daniela Viganó; Carvalho, Ana Maria Pimenta
| | | | · Nursing care to people with depressive disorders: a reflection Candido, Mariluci Camargo F. S.; Furegato, Antonia Regina F.
| | | | · The benzodiazepine consumption by elderly women Mendonça, Reginaldo Teixeira; Carvalho, Antonio Carlos Duarte de
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