| Table of contents SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) vol.3 no.1 Ribeirão Preto Aug. 2007 Editorial | | | | | | | Original article | | | | · Support group for parents of homosexual youth Santos, Manoel Antônio dos; Brochado Júnior, José Urbano; Moscheta, Murilo dos Santos
| | | | · Political foundations of the concepts and practices related to drugs in Brazil Souza, Jacqueline de; Kantorski, Luciane Prado
| | | | · Changes in the social representations on drugs and their users in the Spanish (private) society Moral Jiménez, María de la Villa
| | | | · Being an alcoholic in the perspective of alcohol dependents Nasi, Cíntia; Hildebrandt, Leila Mariza
| | | | · Process of resocialization of licit and illicit substance users Possa, Terezinha; Durman, Solânia
| | | | · The most frequent manifestations of mental suffering in the community Laurenti, Ruy
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