| Table of contents SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) vol.7 no.2 Ribeirão Preto Aug. 2011 Editorial | | | | · Scientific knowledge dissemination: challenges and perspectives Luis, Margarita Antonia Villar
| | | Original article | | | | · Sociodemographic profile and penal history of the prison population at a female penitentiary in the interior of São Paulo state Scherer, Zeyne Alves Pires; Scherer, Edson Arthur; Nascimento, Andressa Duarte; Ragozo, Fábio Dias
| | | | · Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence Pedro, Alana Fernandes; Ribeiro, Juliana; Soler, Zaida Aurora Sperli Geraldes; Bugdan, Ana Paula
| | | | · Cultural adaptation of data collection instruments for alcohol and drugs measurement Claro, Heloísa Garcia; Oliveira, Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de; Almeida, Marília Mastrocolla de; Vargas, Divane de; Plaglione, Heloisa Barboza
| | | | · The role of nursing and the formation of multipliers in relapse prevention França, Marilene Gonçalves; Siqueira, Marluce Miguel de
| | | | · Interpersonal relations and drug consumption by teenagers Dietz, Graciele; Santos, Cátia Gentile dos; Hildebrandt, Leila Mariza; Leite, Marinês Tambara
| | | | · The meaning of having a mental disorder: contributions from everyday spontaneous theater Assad, Francine Baltazar; Pedrão, Luiz Jorge
| | | Review article | | | | · Protection and risk factors associated to initial use of cannabis: systematic review Andrade, Tânia Moraes Ramos; Ramos, Sérgio de Paula
| | | | · Alcohol and drugs questionnaire among workers: a literature review Rocha, Patrícia Rodrigues da; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal
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