Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The education as device of protection to children and adolescents according to practices of the UNICEF: argumentation by Foucault Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira
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| · Burnout in library professional Ramos, Fabiana Neme Nogueira; Bueno Neme, Carmen Maria
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| · Youth and family: expectations, ideals and social repercussions Gonçalves, Hebe Signorini; Coutinho, Luciana Gageiro
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| · Fractured spine: notes about the violence in the film Tsotsi - a stolen childhood Vilhena, Junia de; Bittencourt, Maria Inês G. de Freitas
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| · The values of attention and attention as a value Caliman, Luciana Vieira
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| · The domestication of singularity.: reflections on the HIV/AIDS prevention speech paradigm Amorim, Camila Miranda de; Szapiro, Ana Maria
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| · Therapeutic accompaniment at mental health care Azevedo, Thaís; Dimenstein, Magda
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| · Habilidades de vida: uma estratégia preventiva ao consumo de substâncias psicoativas no contexto educativo Paiva, Fernando Santana de; Rodrigues, Marisa Cosenza
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| · The life quality at work of professionals in the area of nursing : a study following the theoretical model offered by Hackman and Oldham Rezende, Teresa; Silva, Rosana Marques da
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| · Body and old age in the contemporaneity Maia, Gabriela Felten da
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| · Interaction patters in families of adolescentes with anorexia nervosa restrictive and bulimic subtipes: semelhances and differences Oliveira, Letícia Langlois; Hutz, Cláudio Simon
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| · Beliefs and behaviors about alcohol use prevention practices among patients of primary health care Amato, Tatiana de Castro; Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Oliveira, Jussara Siqueira de; Ronzani, Telmo Mota
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| · Post partum depression: theoretical considerations Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima; Saraiva, Evelyn Rúbia de Albuquerque
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| · Pictorial memory and intelligence: two validity evidences Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín; Cecilio-Fernandes, Dario; Sisto, Fermino Fernandes
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| · For a study of the absent: the absence as an objectification of otherness in mental maps of Brazil Cruz, Ana Carolina Dias; Arruda, Angela
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Communication of research |
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| · Psychotherapy and subjectivity: interfaces among the life manners contemporary and the demands of a service of Psychology Ewald, Ariane Patricia; Moura, Michelle Thieme de Carvalho; Goulart, Samira Meletti da Silva
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Summary |
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| · Conexões entre corpo e cegueira Borges, Leonídia; Moraes, Marcia; Rodrigues, Maria Rita Campello; Cunha, Marlíria; Chimenti, Regina Maria Fernandes
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