Editorial |
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| Soares, Adriana Benevides; Feijoo, Ana Maria Lopes Calvo de; Ewald, Ariane Patrícia; Mancebo, Deise; Prestrelo, Eleonôra Torres; Barros, Rita Maria Manso de |
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Articles |
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| · The continuing post-separation: the common needs of ex-spouses and their children Levy, Sofia Débora
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| · Friendship in adolescence and college admission Peron, Suellen Ibrahim; Guimarães, Luisa Schivek; Souza, Luciana Karine de
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| · Styles of thinking and creating in Psychology students: regional differences? Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia
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| · Sexuality, christianity and power Dantas, Bruna Suruagy do Amaral
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| · Lesbianism and legitimating references of sexuality Toledo, Livia Gonsalves; Filho, Fernando Silva Teixeira
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| · Some notes about the phallus and its incidence on clinical structures Pollo, Vera
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| · Heidegger and the overcoming of the ground’s crisis: antecedents to the proposal of a fundamental ontology Machado, Bruno Martins
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| · Some reflections on the relationship between children, cities and toy libraries Galindo, Dolores; Souza, Leonardo Lemos de; Moura, Morgana; Rodrigues, Vanusa
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| · Psychometric properties of Behavioral Intentions to Remaining with the Organization Scale (BIROS) Menezes, Igor Gomes; Bastos, Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt
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| · Evaluation of levels of texts understanding in university students Soares, Adriana Benevides; Emmerick, Thamires de Abreu; Vicente, Aline Lacerda
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| · Emotional and behavioral symptoms evaluation in obese adolescents Sarmento, Andricy Silva Linhares; Schoen-Ferreira, Teresa Helena; Medeiros, Élide Helena; Cintra, Isa de Pádua
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| · Correlational study between the Professional Counseling Scale (EAP) and the Personality Factorial Inventory (IFP) Godoy, Silvia; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · The inspired etymology: the search of the original language through the semiosis introverted Melo, Walter
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| · The therapist and the therapeutic contract: in search of possibilities Maurício S., Neubern
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| · The challenge of being mortal: an essay on the question of death in the news Dantas, Jurema Barros
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| · The critical history’s of Psychology from a gender perspective.: Thinking influences and possibilities. Ostrovsky, Ana Elisa
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| · Postconstructionism and new experimentalism in Social Psychology Boechat, Filipe Milagres; Portugal, Francisco Teixeira
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| · The soul and the brain: the origins of the discussions on scientific Psychology in Brazil Almada, Leonardo Ferreira; Cerqueira, Luiz Alberto
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Communication of research |
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Summary |
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| · Engagement en el trabajo Porto-Martins, Paulo Cesar; Basso-Machado, Pedro Guilherme
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