Editorial |
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| Soares, Adriana Benevides; Tsallis, Alexandra Cleopatre; Mendes, Deise Maria Fernandes; Barros, Rita Maria Manso de |
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · Clarice with Teresa Carmona, Gustavo Fujarra; Vives, Jean-Michel
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| · In the meshes of the network with Clarice Lispector... approaches between Clarice's writings and the writings in ANT Lomba, Débora Emanuelle Nascimento; Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Soares, Luciana Loyola Madeira
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| · Cartographies of exclusion and inclusion of people with mental suffering the territorialization processes of the national politics concerning mental health Guedes, Patrícia Fátima Mendes; Souza, Maria Celeste Reis Fernandes de
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| · Aesthetics and poetics of aging on autobiographical narratives: A psychoanalytic study Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Viana, Terezinha de Camargo; Lima, Sostenes Cezar de
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| · Encopresis and psychological intervention: literature review Rovaris, Jéssica Aline; Guerra, Bárbara Trevizan; Calais, Sandra Leal; Neme, Carmen Maria Bueno
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| · The treatment model of therapeutic communities: confessional practices in shaping subjects Fossi, Luciana Barcellos; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima
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Development of psychology |
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| · Validity evidences of instruments of reaction in distance higher education Martins, Lara Barros; Zerbini, Thaís
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| · Psychology and inclusion policies in Education: contributions from a Bakhtinian reading Pan, Miriam Aparecida Graciano de Souza; Zugman, Maiana Jugend
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| · Violence against the elderly in the city of Rio de Janeiro Silva, Edson Alexandre da; França, Lucia Helena de Freitas Pinho
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| · Violence as cross-cutting theme in disability studies: needed Interconections Wanderer, Aline; Pedroza, Regina Lúcia Sucupira
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| · Preparation of technique to evaluate the adults in counterfactual thinking Faccioli, Juliana Sarantopoulos; Justino, Florença Lucia Coelho; Schelini, Patrícia Waltz
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Social Psychology |
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| · Sense and meanings of work: the impediments and the job possibilities for people with disabilities Paiva, Juliana Cavalcante Marinho; Bendassolli, Pedro Fernando; Torres, Camila Costa
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| · Training for educators of children and teens shelter: identifying social representations Barros, Nilma Soares; Naiff, Luciene Alves Miguez
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| · The influence of leadership styles of the results of training Silva, Neilda de Souza Oliveira da; Mourão, Luciana
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| · Priming: the priming effect on consumer behavior research Pacheco Junior, José Carlos Schaidhauer; Damacena, Cláudio; Bronzatti, Rafael
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Clio-psychê |
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| · History of Psychology and it's Teaching at 40 years since 'Should the History of Science Be Rated X?' by Stephen Brush Fierro, Catriel
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Summary |
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| · Psychology, child and family in Argentina, 1900-1970. Historical perspectives and disciplinary crossings Cosse, Isabella
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| · Ibero-American psychology and autobiographies Rodríguez, Tomás Caycho
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