Editorial |
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| Soares, Adriana Benevides; Mendes, Deise Maria Fernandes; Valentim, Renata Patrícia Forain de; Barros, Rita Maria Manso de |
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Social Psychology |
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| · Discussing the indiscipline, violence and bullying in school Brito, Leila Maria Torraca de; Rocha, Marisa Lopes da
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| · Medicalization and government of life and subjectivities: health market Dolores Cristina Gomes, Galindo; Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira; Vilela, Renata; Garcia, Bruna
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| · Burnout syndrome in correctional officers: a systematic review on the view of gender Braun, Ana Claudia
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| · Psychologists in social work: Evidence of their presence before SUAS Oliveira, Nívia Lúcia de Andrade; Oliveira, Isabel Fernandes de
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| · Social hierarchy and causal attribution in self and other-evaluation of excuses Damasceno, Raissa; Franco, Víthor Rosa; Sarmet, Mauricio Miranda; Iglesias, Fabio
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| · Factors associated to the assertiveness of family caregivers of psychiatric patients Lima, Diego Costa; Bandeira, Marina; Oliveira, Marcos Santos de
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| · The "look prejudiced": Social representations of photographs on social networks Koelzer, Larissa Papaleo; Castro, Amanda; Bousfield, Andréa Barbará S.; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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Development of psychology |
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| · Parental socialization goals of emotion and models of self: a conceptual articulation Mendes, Deise Maria Leal Fernandes; Pessôa, Luciana Fontes; Cavalcante, Lilia Iêda Chaves
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| · From old age stigmatized to dignity mature existence: new perspectives of ageing in contemporary times Teixeira, Selena Mesquita de Oliveira; Marinho, Fernanda Xavier Santiago; Vasconcelos, Andressa Maria Correia; Martins, José Clerton de Oliveira
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| · Repercussions of a psychological care program on the quality of life of elderly practitioners of the method Pilates Carvalho, Emília Cristina Ferreira de; Nascimento, Marcelo de Maio
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| · Expectations related to the family reintegration: A study with adolescents with street history, relatives and social educators Almeida, Sara Guerra Carvalho de; Morais, Normanda Araujo de
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| · Prematuritand additional risk factors to perceptomotor development and it´s influence on school performance Pereira, Débora Morais; Araújo, Rita de Cássia Tibério; Braccialli, Ligia Maria Presumido
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| · Children's Life Satisfaction: family's and school's contribution Schütz, Fabiane Friedrich; Bortolini, Marcela; Sarriera, Jorge Castellá
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| · Risk factors in the life of Portuguese adolescents in conflict with the law Sehn, Amanda Schöffel; Porta, Daniele Dalla; Santos, Samara Silva dos
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| · PROMOVE-Children: effects of training in social skills for children with behavior problem Falcão, Alessandra Pereira; Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini; Magri, Natália; Moretto, Laísa Aparecida
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · Denial of pregnancy: a literature review and case report in Brazil Gonçalves, Thomás Gomes
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| · Virtual reality in Cognitive Behavior Therapy techniques: Trauma Disorders, Anxiety and Depression Prates, Priscila Flores; Pacheco, Alysson Oliveira; Santos, Bruna Staevie dos; Silva, Renan Meirelles da; Ferraz, Raul Corrêa; Vasconcelos, Silvio José Lemos
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Clio-psychê |
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| · Studies on violence in the family: the recurring themes in four decades of research Oddera, Mariela González
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