Editorial |
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| Soares, Adriana Benevides; Tsallis, Alexandra Cleopatre; Mendes, Deise Maria Fernandes; Valentim, Renata Patrícia Forain de; Barros, Rita Maria Manso de |
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Social Psychology |
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| · Social representations of immigration and immigrants in British, French and German newspapers at the year of 2012 Batista, Roberta Rangel; Bonomo, Mariana
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| · Among embarrassments, performances and resistances: the development of women's domestic violence complaints at a police station Santos, Ana Pereira dos; Romagnoli, Roberta Carvalho
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| · "It hurt on me a lot": Experience of surrendering a child from birthmothers Faraj, Suane Pastoriza; Machado, Mônica Sperb; Siqueira, Aline Cardoso; Campeol, Ângela Roos
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| · Impact of Armazém das Artes Project on Participants´ Well-being Pinheiro, Luciana Nacif; Ferreira, Maria Cristina; Mourão, Luciana
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| · Risk and protective factors experienced by incarcerated mothers in life Ormeno, Gabriela Reyes; Santini, Paolla Magioni; Williams, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
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| · The process of the dying and bioethics in the press: a psychosocial analysis Morais, Edclécia Reino Carneiro de; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos; Pontes, Joanna Luiza da Cunha; Coelho, Larissa de Siqueira
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Development of psychology |
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| · Development of an instrument for the assessment of Satisfaction and Safety in the neighborhood Victor, Tânia Abreu da Silva; Ramos, Dandara de Oliveira; Moura, Maria Lucia Seidl de; Fioravanti, Ana Carolina Monnerat
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| · Language skills: the relationship between phonological awareness and writing Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos; Ferraz, Adriana Satico; Lima, Thatiana Helena de; Cunha, Neide de Brito; Suehiro, Adriana Cristina Boulhoça; Oliveira, Katya Luciane de; Anache, Alexandra Ayach; Silva, Iolete Ribeiro da
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| · Syllabic processing in children and its relation to phonological processing Justi, Francis Ricardo dos Reis; Justi, Cláudia Nascimento Guaraldo
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| · Children's social skills: comparison by gender, age and school characteristics Silva, Thaciana Araujo da; Cavalcante, Lília Iêda Chaves
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| · Feeding Difficulties in Infancy:: A Systematic Review Müller, Patrícia Wolff; Salazar, Viviane; Donelli, Tagma Marina Schneider
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · The psychoanalytic psychopathology of perversions nowadays: a systematic review Santos, Camilla Ferreira dos; Campos, Érico Bruno Viana
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| · The demand for reparation -: victimization in contemporary society Vorsatz, Ingrid; Silva, Marcos Eichler de Almeida
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| · Contemporary questions:: proximity and image, between ethics and enjoyment Rinaldi, Doris; Ribeiro, Maria Anita Carneiro; Pollo, Vera
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| · The worker's health field under the rift of malaise as the ethical ground Ragnini, Elaine Cristina Schmitt; Darriba, Vinicius Anciães
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| · Criminology and Psychoanalysis: an interpretation of acts of infraction during adolescence Souza, Juliana Marcondes Pedrosa de; Calazans, Roberto; Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira
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| · Violence and culture in the Freudian thinking: the two faces of Jano Bifronte Coelho, Luciana Norat; Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues de
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| · Listening of a psychotic experience supported on the Jungian method: mater ecclesiae Simões, Emanuel Cesar Proença; Jesuino, Filipe de Menezes
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Clio-psychê |
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| · Notes on the visit of Carl Rogers to Brazil: a silent revolution Feitosa, Ellen Araújo Lima; Branco, Paulo Coelho Castelo; Vieira, Emanuel Meireles
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| · ALFRED ADLER (1870-1937): A short biography Leal, Daniela; Massimi, Marina
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