Editorial |
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| Soares, Adriana Benevides; Tsallis, Alexandra Cleopatre; Vilela, Ana Maria Jacó; Mendes, Deise Maria Fernandes; Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Valentim, Renata Patrícia Forain de; Darriba, Vinicius Anciães |
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Social Psychology |
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| · Perspective of mothers of popular groups about the sexual education of their adolescent children Savegnago, Sabrina Dal Ongaro; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
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| · Ingroup versus outgroup: the role of social identity in intergroup relations Fernandes, Sheyla Christine Santos; Pereira, Marcos Emanoel
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| · Crack and Media: What do the main news magazines in the country say? Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Casela, Ana Luisa Marliére; Monteiro, Érika Pizziolo; Ferreira, Gabriela Correia Lubambo; Freitas, Jéssica Verônica Tibúrcio de; Machado, Nathália Munck; Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Ronzani, Telmo Mota; Noto, Ana Regina
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| · Female juvenile offense and socio-education: through a gender and cultural lens Oliveira, Maria Cláudia Santos Lopes de; Costa, Daniela Lemos Pantoja; Camargo, Carolina Knihs de
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| · The disclosure process of intrafamily sexual abuse in the family group's perception Coutinho, Márcia Moraes Lima; Morais, Normanda Araujo de
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| · Possible routes of social assistance policy: guarantee of rights and governmentality Cavagnoli, Karen Cristina; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima
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| · Sexual Behaviors, Resilience and Knowledge about HIV/AIDS: A Psychosocial Analysis Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes de; Barros Neto, Raimundo Nonato de Sousa; Negreiros, Fauston; Pereira, Thalita Galeno
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| · Learning Styles in DE context: Construction and evidences of instrument validity Moraes, Raíssa Bárbara Nunes; Zerbini, Thaís
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| · The work of interdisciplinary teams in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) Bezerra, Eduardo Breno Nascimento; Silva, Edil Ferreira da; Máximo, Thaís Augusta Cunha de Oliveira; Melo, Jéssika Sonaly Vasconcelos Barbosa de
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| · Qualitative study on facilitating and hindering factors of interpersonal forgiveness Pinho, Vanessa Dordron de; Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · Impacts of the book of a marital violence victim in the experience of other women Guimarães, Fabrício Lemos; Diniz, Gláucia Ribeiro Starling
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| · Subject and Subjectivity: silent and silenced aspects in the constitution of the senses Paulon, Clarice Pimentel; Tfouni, Leda Verdiani; Bartijotto, Juliana
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| · An imaginary prelude to Thalassa Câmara, Leonardo Cardoso Portela; Herzog, Regina
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| · Neighbors attitudes toward psychiatric patients and residential services Tostes, Joanna Gonçalves de Andrade; Bandeira, Marina; Oliveira, Marcos Santos de
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Development of psychology |
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| · Facial emotions expression in visual impairment and seers children: differents evocation, registration and evaluation procedures obtained in an intervention Ferreira, Bárbara Carvalho; Del Prette, Zilda Aparecida Pereira; Del Prette, Almir
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| · Childbirth in high-risk pregnancy: social representations of women who had their first child Sales, Cecilia Gardenia de; Avelar, Telma Costa de; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos
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| · School bullying from the teacher's perspective Oliveira-Menegotto, Lisiane Machado de; Machado, Isadora
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| · Language, Executive Functions and Brain Mapping Techniques in Early Childhood: A Review Oliveira, Maria Clara Veloso de; Pessôa, Luciana Fontes; Alves, Heloisa Veiga Dias
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| · Relations between parenting and parents personality: a integrative review of the literature Silva, Maria Luiza Iusten da; Vieira, Mauro Luís
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Clio-psychê |
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| · The relationship between violence and mental health of women in Brazil: an analysis of public policies Medeiros, Mariana Pedrosa de; Zanello, Valeska
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