Editorial |
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| Mattos, Amana; Jacó Vilela, Ana Maria; Mendes, Deise Maria Fernandes; Ribeiro, Heloisa Fernandes Caldas; Hernández, Jimena de Garay; Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Quitério, Patrícia Lorena; Leme, Vanessa Barbosa Romera |
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Social Psychology |
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| · Social Representations of University Students with Physical Disability about the Sexuality of Disabled Persons Carvalho, Alana Nagai Lins de; Silva, Joilson Pereira da
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| · A Study on Violence Reports Registered in Disque 100 - People with Disabilities Lima, Márcia de; D'Affonseca, Sabrina Mazo
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| · Attributions of Causality for HIV Infection Azevedo, Fernando Martins de; Segundo, Damião Soares de Almeida; Feijó, Marina; Nardi, Henrique Caetano; Costa, Angelo Brandelli
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| · Contemporary Discourses on Transexualities: Power, Truth and Subjectivation Pombo, Mariana
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| · Family Social Representations for Non-feminists Costa, Lacilaura Bomtempo Lamounier; Tilio, Rafael De
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Development of psychology |
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| · The Drag Queen Experience as a Transition in Adult Life Ferreira, Ligia Ribeiro; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos
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| · Creativity Assessment in The High Abilities/Giftedness Context: Evidence of Validity Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia; Gomes, Luísa Bastos; Zaia, Priscila; Spadari, Gabriela Fabbro; Miranda, Mariana Antunes; Pinto, Mariana Marion Sobral
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| · Relationships between Recognition of Characters, Logos and Brands of Tobacco Products, Fast-Food, Soft Drinks and Alcoholic Drinks in Children Lemos, Daniel Campos Lopes; Santos, Pedro Paulo Pires dos; Ribas Júnior, Rodolfo de Castro; Nunes, Lucas Yukio Otsuka; Campos, Luis Antonio Monteiro
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| · Validity Evidences of Evaluation Battery for Childhood Depression Indicators Self-efficacy Scale Nunes, Daiane; Santos, Laís; Faro, André; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
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| · Childhood Adversities: Association with Protective Factors and Internalizing Symptoms in Adulthood Giordani, Jaqueline Portella; Lima, Carolina Palmeiro; Trentini, Clarissa Marceli
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · Assistance to Women in Situation of Violence: The Experience of Professionals from a Creas Incerpe, Patrícia Regina Bueno; Cury, Vera Engler
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| · Incidences of Psychoanalysis in Institutions: Clinical Devices for Children and Adolescents with Severe Psychic Disorders Santos, Volmir Mielczarski dos; D'Agord, Marta Regina de Leão
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| · Comparative Analysis of Studies on Subjective Well-being in Brazil: Epistemological, Methodological and Theoretical Aspects Medeiros, Lucélia Kelly Alencar de; Martins, Remerson Russel
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Clio-psychê |
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| · The Teaching License Degree in Psychology in the 1960s: A Case Study of the UFMG Course Turci, Deolinda Armani; Cirino, Sérgio Dias; Lourenço, Érika
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| · Community Psychology and Participation: Historical Notes and Considerations on the Community Development Model Baima, Larissa Soares; Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo
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