Social Psychology |
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| · Social Representations of Quality of Life among People Living with HIV Sousa, Thamyris Tabosa de; Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes de
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| · Colonial Violence and Psychosocial Effects: A Dialogue Between Kaiowá and Guarani Experiences and Martín-Baró Writings Faria, Lucas Luis de; Martins, Catia Paranhos
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| · Perceptions and Experiences of Elderly People on Discrimination in Old Age Teixeira, Selena Mesquita de Oliveira; Souza, Luana Elayne Cunha de; Maia, Luciana Maria; Silva, Angélica Maria de Sousa
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| · Career and Work Identity: A Study with Information Technology Workers Dias, Bárbara Zaida Rampa; Luna, Iúri Novaes; Mattos, Valéria De Bettio
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| · The Cisgender Camera: Framing and Ruptures of the Gaze in the Brazilian Documentary Soares, Aline Rebouças Azevedo
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| · Sexual and Reproductive Health in Adolescences in the Brazilian Context: Indicators, Potentialites and Challenges Santos, Catiele dos; Roso, Adriane
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| · Shared Reading Practices in Times of Pandemic Coutinho, Eliane Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira; Mota, Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da; Silva, Carmen Lucia Martins da; Andrade, Marcos Antônio Ribeiro
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| · Cultural-Historical Psychology of Art: Intertextuality and Author-work-reader Relation Rodrigues, Júlia Loren dos Santos; Vecchia, Marcelo Dalla; Marques, Priscila Nascimento
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| · The Cultivation of Inward Attention: Resonances between Cartographic Research and Somatic Practices Romero, Manuela Linck de; Kastrup, Virginia
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| · Yo-yo Sewing and Scraps of History of Female Suffering: Experience Report with a Political-Clinical Tool Batista, Lázaro; Santos, Thainara Brito; Bezerra, Viviane dos Santos; Costa, Wislley Kawane Barbosa da
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| · Project "Conta, Manas": Experience Report with Women-Books in Northern Brazil Leitão, Consuelena Lopes; Alves, Rosemary Amanda Lima; Silva, Karolayne Rodrigues; Ferreira, Nicole Tavares; Torres, Marck de Souza; Ferreira, Breno de Oliveira; Silva, Iolete Ribeiro da
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| · The Teleworker Subject and Neoliberal Rationality Pinheiro, Rafaele de Araújo; Coelho-Lima, Fellipe
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Development of psychology |
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| · Transition to Higher Education: A Systematic Review Braun, Karen Cristina Rech; Marcilio, Fabiane Cristina Pereira; Dias, Ana Cristina Garcia
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| · Empathy and the Willingness of Adolescents to Involve in Suicide Prevention Actions Bezerra, Viviane Alves dos Santos; Galvão, Lilian Kelly de Sousa
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| · Subjective Experiences of a Student Entering the Quota System at a Brazilian Public University Nunes, Mallu Stephanie de Almeida; Ramos, Wilsa Maria
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| · Cognitive Distortions of Perpetrators of Sexual Assault Against Children and Adolescents Reis, Daniela Castro dos; Silveira, Viviam da Silva; Cavalcante, Lília Iêda Chaves; Veloso, Milene Maria Xavier; Souza, Jhuliane Karine Costa de
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| · Executive Functions, Psychopathy Traits and Sexual Behavior in Adolescents Deprived of Liberty in Rondônia Corrêa, Pedro Vasconcelos; Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de
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| · Children’s Online Therapy Discipline in Psychology Undergraduate Course: Report of Experience in a Pandemic Context Quiterio, Patricia Lorena; Carvalho, Rodrigo Limonge Reis
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| · Positive Educational Practices Programme for Social Educators from Residential Care Institutions: Quasi Experimental Study Wendt, Bruna; Dell’Aglio, Débora Dalbosco
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Clinic psychology and psychoanalysis |
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| · Writing, Elaborating and Experiencing: The Statute of Writing in Psychological Clinic Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · A Theoretical Analysis of Depression from the Perspective of Hegemonic Psychometric Models Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Franco, Víthor Rosa
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| · The Psychologist’s Role in High-Risk Pregnancy: An Integrative Review Basler, Taritza; Portinho, Daiane Formolo; Viegas, Gabriela Vaz da Rosa; Stein, Luciana Leticia; Donelli, Tagma Marina Schneider
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| · Body Dissatisfaction in Women: Correlation with the ICTs Use and Physical Exercise Perin, Isabella Lise; Limberger, Jéssica
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| · Experience Report: Virtual Visit as a Work Tool During The COVID-19 Pandemic Beteille, Irene Moura; Oliveira, Bruna Tadeusa Genaro Martins de; Oliveira, Ivanna
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| · Psychological Care for LGBTI+ Persons in Professional Regulations Damaceno Netto, José Vicente; Rasera, Emerson Fernando
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| · Narcissism and the Dying Process: The Potency of Encountering with the Other Nunes, Morgana; Conti, Luciane De
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| · Voluntary Surrender to Adoption: The Psychoanalytical Listening to a Pregnant Rape Victim Pedruzzi, Daniela Torres Gonçalves Santos; Neves, Anamaria Silva
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| · Chronic Pain and Possibilities of Intervention in the Context of Psychology: Integrative Review Paludo, Isadora Cristina Putti; Moré, Carmen Leontina Ojeda Ocampo; Inácio, Amábille das Neves
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Review |
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| · Melancholy as a Possibility: Making of Mourning, Fight! Gomes, Maria Caroline Cardoso
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| · An Inventive Path of Research and Existence Passetti, Edson
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