| Table of contents Rev. bras.ter. cogn. vol.4 no.1 Rio de Janeiro June 2008 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · Adolescent attitudes toward gambling Derevensky, Jeffrey L.; Dickson, Laurie; Gupta, Rina
| | | | · Chronic diseases, social context and adolescent health Barros, Luísa; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de; Batista-Foguet, Joan M.
| | | | · Maladaptative schemas: qualitative sustematic review Duarte, Aline Loureiro Chaves; Nunes, Maria Lúcia Tiellet; Kristensen, Christian Haag
| | | | · Social skills of visually disabled people Maia, Joviane Marcondelli Dias; Del Prette, Almir; Freitas, Lucas Cordeiro
| | | | · The constructivist-developmental perspective: constructing and implementing a methodology of didactical videos with mothers of preterms infants Gasparetto, Simone; Bussab, Vera Sílvia Raad; Barros, Luísa
| | | | · Aversive events and depression in adolescence: a case review Fernandes, Luan Flávia Barufi; Silveira, Lara Rodrigues; Miyazaki, Maria Cristina; Domingos, Neide A. Micelli; Luiz, Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves; Micheletto, Marcos Ricardo Datti
| | | | · Crisis intervention Sá, Samantha Dubugras; Werlang, Blanca Susana Guevara; Paranhos, Mariana Esteves
| | | | · Cognitive behavioral therapy with couples: a rewiew Peçanha, Raphael Fischer; Rangé, Bernard Pimentel
| | | Interview | | | | Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira; Ventura, Paula Rui | | |