Editorial |
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| Miyazaki, M.Cristina |
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Articles |
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| · Group intervention in patients with metabolic syndrome Ludwig, Martha Wallig Brusius; Bortolon, Catherine; Bortolini, Marcela; Boff, Raquel de Melo; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Impact of co-therapy in the cognitive behavioral treatment of PTSD Gonçalves, Raquel Menezes; Porto, Patrícia Ribeiro; Araújo, Narahyana Bom de; Luz, Mariana Pires; Figueira, Ivan; Ventura, Paula
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| · Teaching cognitive-behavioral therapy in undergraduate courses in psychology: a survey in the states of Parana and Sao Paulo Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz; Xavier, Gabriela Salim; Stockmann, Juliane Denise
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| · Anxiety disorders in children: a look at the communities Caíres, Monique Cabral; Shinohara, Helene
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| · Relationship between personality, anxiety and mood disorders: a brazilian review Martins, Pablo Fernando de Souza; Lopes, Ederaldo José
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| · Prevention of child sexual abuse: cognitive-behavioral strategies in school, family and community Pelisoli, Cátula; Piccoloto, Luciane Benvegnu
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| · Cognitive-behavioral intervention in patient with bowel constipation: case report Nogueira, Graziela Sousa; Zanin, Carla Rodrigues; Netinho, João Gomes
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| · Cognitive-behavioral therapy for children in a situation of marital separation: a case study Frassetto, Silvana Soriano; Bakos, Daniela Di Giorgio Schneider
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| · The cognitive behavior therapy before and after cardiac surgery Gomes, Jaqueline Andréia da Luz; Pergher, Giovanni Kuckartz
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Review |
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| · The cognitive training of anger management: step-by-step of the treatment Kleinhans, Andréia Cristina dos Santos
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Interview |
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| · Interview with Dr. Bernard Rangé Miyazaki, M. Cristina
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