| Table of contents Rev. bras.ter. cogn. vol.7 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Dec. 2011 Editorial | | | | Miyazaki, M.Cristina; Santos Junior, Randolfo dos | | | Articles | | | | · Motivational interviewing in the treatment of overweight/obesity: a literature review Finger, Igor da Rosa; Potter, Juliana Rausch
| | | | · Neuroticism, emotions and risk behaviors in outpatients Tinoco, Gesiane Agostinho Barbosa; Lopes, Renata Ferrarez Fernandes; Lopes, Ederaldo José
| | | | · Transcription and observation as strategies for improvement of clinical competence Barletta, Janaína Bianca; Fonsêca, Ana Lúcia Barreto da; Oliveira, Maria Inês Santana de
| | | | · Assessment and psychotherapeutic intervention in disruptive behavior disorders: some reflections Barletta, Janaína Bianca
| | | | · Hepatitis C treatment: impact upon the caregiver Coelho, Diogo Luiz; Miyazaki, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos; Domingos, Neide Ap. Micelli; Scamardi, Samuel Noah; Machado, Claudemir Marcos; Santos Junior, Randolfo dos; Vasilceac, Fábio Augusto; Furtat Júnior, Luiz
| | | Professional experience report | | | | · Specific phobia: step by step a successful intervention Araujo, Neuraci Gonçalves de
| | | Technique note | | | | · Psychoeducative proposal for children based on schema therapy Lopes, Renata Ferrarez Fernandes; Leite, Donizete Tadeu; Prado, Thayná Portilho do
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