| Table of contents Rev. bras.ter. cogn. vol.12 no.1 Rio de Janeiro June 2016 Apresentation | | | | | | | Research reports | | | | · Self-regulatory strategies to longer nicotine abstinence maintenance in former smokers Bizarro, Lisiane; Peuker, Ana Carolina; Castro, Elisa Kern de
| | | | · Coping cards with cancer patients: using a psychoeducational instrument Santana, Vanessa Souza; Lopes, Renata Ferrarez Fernandes
| | | | · Stress in college students: blood analysis and quality of life Chaves, Lidiane Bentes; Souza, Thaís Fabbri de; Silva, Marcos Vergílio Corrêa da; Oliveira, Célia Figueiredo de; Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes; Pinto, Magali Luci
| | | | · A grief protocol details and the cognitive behavior therapy applicability Zwielewski, Graziele; Sant'Ana, Vânia
| | | | · Depression, ontological time perception and meaning of life Aquino, Thiago Antônio Avellar de; Dará, Dany Monique Batista; Simeão, Shirley de Souza Silva
| | | Review articles | | | | · Cognitive-behavioral treatment for major depressive disorder: a narrative review Carneiro, Adriana Munhoz; Keith
| | | Brief communications | | | | · Social skills and depression Donadon, Mariana Fortunata; Correia, Sabrina Kerr Bullamah; Nunes, Cássia Cristina da Silva Almeida; Nicoletti, Êdela Aparecida
| | | Interview | | | | · Self-guided internet-based psychological interventions: an interview with Dr. Thomas Berger Rodrigo; Berger, Thomas
| | | Erratum | | | | · Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapies: a history in 10 editions Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz; Paz, Silviane; Guedes, Rose; Pavan-Cândido, Caroline da Cruz
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