| Table of contents Rev. bras.ter. cogn. vol.13 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./June 2017 Apresentation | | | | Oliva, Angela Donato | | | Interview | | | | · Entrevista com Jesse Wright Sardinha, Aline; Lana, Erica de
| | | Brief communications | | | | · Selective mutism: a case study with interdisciplinary treatment Peixoto, Ana Cláudia de Azevedo; Caroli, Andréa Lúcia Guimarães; Mariama, Silvia Regina
| | | | · Changing one's core belief: a case report of internalized homophobia Alves, Raquel Ávila Kepler; Paveltchuk, Fernanda de Oliveira; Carvalho, Marcele Regine de; Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira
| | | Research reports | | | | · Maltreatment, behavior problems and selfsteem in adolescents Fava, Débora Cristina; Pacheco, Janaína Thais Barbosa
| | | | · Maladaptative schemas, anxiety and depression: an explanatory model Gusmão, Estefanea Élida da Silva; Plutarco, Lia Wagner; Moura, Darlene Pinho Fernandes de; Silva, Clara Lima; Meneses, Glysa de Oliveira
| | | | · Effects of a neuropsychological rehabilitation for patients with dyslexia Lima, Ricardo Franco de; Alves, Rauni Jandé Roama; Silva, Fernanda Caroline Pinto da; Azoni, Cíntia Alves Salgado; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria
| | | Review articles | | | | · Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in generalized anxiety disorder Reyes, Amanda Neumann; Fermann, Ilana Luiz
| | | | · Instruments for the evaluation of the therapeutic alliance Maia, Rodrigo da Silva; Araújo, Tereza Cristina Santos de; Silva, Neuciane Gomes da; Maia, Eulália Maria Chaves
| | | | · Integrative review of instruments of depressive cognitive distortions Cunha, Felipe Augusto; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
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