Editorial |
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| · Desafios para os pesquisadores: busca por confirmações ou por testes rigorosos? Oliva, Angela Donato
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Research reports |
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| · Burnout Syndrome in psychologists: sociodemographic and labor predictors Marques, Vanessa; Carlotto, Mary Sandra
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| · Associations between personality traits and levels of self-compassion and self-criticism Bender, Rebeca Feltes; Pureza, Juliana Rosa
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| · Early maladaptive schemas of women in situation of intimate partner violence Algarves, Cleonice Pereira; Cardoso, Bruno Luiz Avelino; Paim, Kelly
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| · Dispositional Mindfulness, Mindfulness Practice, Stress and Coping: sample of young brazilian university students Rizzi, Ronaldo; Giacomoni, Claudia Hofheinz
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| · CAMALEO TOC: Construction of a manual for the treatment of adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder Bortoncello, Cristiane Flores; Cardoso, Nicolas de Oliveira; Ferrão, Ygor Arzeno
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| · Cross-cultural adaptation of the Collaborative Case Conceptualization Rating Scale for the Brazilian Context Donadon, Mariana Fortunata; Nicoletti, Êdela Aparecida; Portela, Carlos Eduardo; Cavalcante, Ana Rosa Silveira; Bernardo, Carolina Farias da Silva; Lima, Marcela Vieira; Macedo, Brisa Burgos Dias; Nicoletti, Natassia Virgínia; Correia, Sabrina Kerr Bullamah; Padesky, Christine A.
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| · The mediating role of self-efficacy and self-esteem in anxiety: a study with university students Macena, Matheus; Faro, André
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Review articles |
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| · Narrative literature review of empathy instruments used in Brazil and Latin America Simões, Even Doris Silva; Trombini-Frick, Loriane; Priolo-Filho, Sidnei Rinaldo; Cortez, Pedro Afonso
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| · The utilization of Mindfulness in Schema Therapy: a systematic literature review Lima, Maria Cecília Ferreira de; Corrêa, Andriza Saraiva
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| · Effects of the Use of Guided Imagery on Anxiety in Adults: A Systematic Review Galvão, Patricia Regina Lopes; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury
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| · Beck’s Theory of Modes: a scoping review Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz; Correia dos-Anjos, Nilton; Rebessi, Isabela Pizzarro
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Brief communications |
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| · Academic skills improvement group: intervention report with university students in the health science area Maus, Débora Wegner; Jager, Márcia Elisa
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